
I am not trained as a writer, yet here I am, writing to you what I’ve learned about caring for young children over many years from parents, teachers, the university, and other caring adults.

The goal of this website is to provide a basic reference for all things early childhood education and care for adults caring for young children. This includes ideas about:

  • age-appropriate learning goals,
  • natural ways small children learn (for example, through play) and how to support learning,
  • information about their emotional and social needs,
  • theories on how they develop and learn,
  • how to arrange your environment,
  • assessing how they are doing
  • basically, all things involved in caring for groups of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers.

I also plan on sharing with you how folks from different parts of the world care for their children by sharing what I’ve learned and from guest bloggers.

I have noticed that what is happening for most of us in our day-to-day life with groups of young children doesn’t reflect the current buzz in early childhood education.  Free play all day? Nature based? Step back from the children or heavy guidance? Assess them or no? Academics as early as possible? How do we know what trend needs to become an established practice with our particular group? I plan on sorting  through the day’s hottest topics to help you find what works for you and what doesn’t.

You can also expect notes on special subjects such as coping with the death of a community member, supporting children and families with medical needs, media and small children, and more.

There is no greater task than the one you have as a care provider to small children.

I am excited to share this journey with you! Jill